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Los Pino
's historical and cultural heritage is missing. Mexico 's new Presidency only found a painting of Venustiano Carranza by David Alfaro Siqueiros.
According to information provided by the Presidency , it informed that it wasn't given an art catalog of the art pieces in Los Pinos . It claims Los Pinos was opened the way it was found on December 1.
The Ministry of Public Affairs ( SFP ), according to sources interviewed by EL UNIVERSAL , has opened an investigation to learn the location of the pieces of art , the cultural heritage , and the Presidency's collection .
Andrés Manuel López Obrador
's administration reported that mattresses, pillows, and historical objects such as a collection of spoons from the time of Porfirio Díaz are missing.
Nevertheless, they explained that part of the collection was returned to the Ministry of Finance and other pieces were returned to their owners since they were a loan .