From September 7 to September 10 , in the city of Querétaro , Hay Festival will take place.

The festival consists of a series of encounters among more than 100 famous personalities in different disciplines, such as literature . Climate change and journalism in Mexico are only two of the subject matters that will be discussed in the festival.

Regarding literature, some of the honorary guests will be Mexican director and producer Guillermo Arriaga , American writer Lionel Shriver , author of We need to talk about Kevin , Brazilian Nélida Piñón , awarded with the 2005 Prince of Asturias Award of Letters , and Italian writer Paolo Giordano , author of The Solitude of Prime Numbers .

Political activists such as Russian Nadya Tolokno , a member of Pussy Riot , and Mexican Lydia Cacho will be at the festival as well, along with two Nobel Peace Prize laureates .

There is a children version of the festival, named Hay Festivalito ( Hay Little Festival ).

Hay Festival of Literature and the Arts

celebrates its 30th anniversary and has traveled to several locations, including the United Kingdom , Spain , and Peru .

Tickets will be available on

There will be free activities as well.


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