
Archeologists discover Mayan palace in Kulubá’s archeological site

The palace of Kuluba's archeological site would have been used by the Mayan elite

Kulubá was an enclave of Chichén Itzá - Photo: Taken from INAH's website
26/12/2019 |16:09Newsroom |
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Mexico’s east of the main square of the Group C of Kulubá’s archeological site through the liberation and recognition of the base, the staircase, and a hall with pilasters at the top that would have been used by the elite of the society.

It is a construction of approximately 55 meters long , 15 meters wide , and 6 meters tall, whose material vestiges suggest two occupation stages: one in the Late Classic period (600-900 A.D.) and another one in the Terminal Classic period (850-1050 A.D.), declared the archeologist Alfredo Barrera Rubio .

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“It was in the Terminal Classic when , which became an outstanding city at northeast of what we know today as Yucatán, that it expanded its influence over places like Kulubá , which, according to the information we have, as well as ceramic materials in the style of Chichén Itzá and obsidian from the same sources that supplied this Mayan city, that we can infer it became an enclave of Itzá.”

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Among other actions that have been carried out in this , is the conservation of a secondary burial – that is, that it was put there after being extracted from its original place – in which experts found Mayan remains. Future physical anthropology exams will allow determining the sex, age, pathologies, and even habits.

Along with this palace, experts are exploring and consolidating four structures : an altar, two vestiges of living spaces, and a circular construction believed to have been an oven.

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They are also working on the rehabilitation of the entrance of the ancient Kulubá ranch , a historical vestige from the first half of the 20th century.

The actions must fulfill permanence standards determined from the analysis of the elements in relation to their architectonic compounds and the climate context . This is due to the structures being part of an active jungle ecosystem.

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