
Archeological vestiges found in Azcapotzalco

The architectonic elements discovered were part of a major residential borough

The vestiges were found in downtown Azcapotzalco - Photo: Taken from INAH's website
14/01/2020 |18:56Antonio Díaz |
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Researchers from the discovered a pre-Columbian domestic platform underneath the foundation of the “Ants Walk,” located in downtown Azcapotzalco .

Nancy Domínguez

, a researcher of the , points out that the foundations of this house represent one of the biggest pre-Columbian platforms found until now in this Mexico City borough.

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The structure and other architectonic elements discovered were part of a major residential borough within the limits of Mexicapan . The correspondence to this Aztec partiality is known for its localization east from the Azcapotzalco’s ceremonial center , where experts think the Saint Phillip and Saint James Parish was build during Colonial times.

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The platform was located under the “Ants Walk,” where there is currently an urban project that implies the relocation of commercial stands. Due to the , since October 2019, a DSA team accompanies the team of the borough’s General Works Direction that performs the works to install a velarium.

Domínguez says that the landscape surrounded by the Jerusalem and Azcapotzalco avenues is divided into four sectors and that throughout it they have opened 31 units to install the surface foundations in which they will anchor the velarium.

In sectors 1 and 2, at a depth of 1.20 to 2 meters, they have found the . In the first sector, there are stone alignments and the remains of a residential structure.

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By digging in sector 2, they discovered a platform that consists of a closed space linked to a patio; its constructive system is made with stone walls covered with stucco.

Until now, two stages of the construction of the platform have been identified. The first is dated in the late post-Classic (1350-1519 A.D.) and is comprised of a group of edges covered with sandstone and stucco , in addition to preserving floors with plastering. Of the second: another group of sandstones united by cementing , as well as a stair, its analysis are yet to be concluded in order to determine its age .

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Next to the platform, researchers found other structures (similar in constructive characteristics) that together conformed a high hierarchy residential borough , as suggested by the quality of the materials linked to the space, most of them are ceramics of the stages Aztec II (1329 to 1398 d.C.) and III (1300/1400 until the 16th century) , in addition to stone and bone objects.


informed in a that once the and its associated elements are registered, the walls will be protected to prevent any deterioration in the long-term and will be covered with a geotextile over which they will install a soil ramming and tepetate layers.

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