
Ana Guevara keeps quiet

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Ana Guevara was a successful athlete and then became a politician - Photo: Eloisa Sánchez de Alba/Imago7
22/08/2019 |09:54
Redacción El Universal
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Ana Guevara keeps quiet

The head of the Conade , Ana Gabriela Guevara, is talking to media in her hometown state, Sonora , hundreds of miles away from her Mexico City office , in regards to the report published by EL UNIVERSAL , in regards to reports that the Finance Ministry forgave her for alleged tax fraud . We've been told that she's quite upset because the article was written to “affect her” and to damage her image. We've also been told that the official is confused in regards to terms such as tax forgiveness , which can be requested by anyone, and tax pardon , which she requested during the Peña Nieto administration in 2014 . Moreover, the newspaper reached out to her days before publishing the article but she didn't respond. It is evident how she wants to talk to media in Sonora , where it is rumored that she will run for governor in 2021 but ignores those who reached out to her.

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Martí refuses to name corrupt lawmakers

After Martí Batres denounced a “dirty” process to appoint the next Senate president and accused some Morena members of receiving bribes , some of his fellow party members felt attacked. Batres was even angrier when he was asked who had paid the bribes and he refused to name anyone. Some Senators consider that Batres lost his chance to expose corrupt lawmakers . Nevertheless, we've been told that Batres still has a chance, and the duty , to publicly expose those who allegedly received bribes . Come on Martí !

Sergio Mayer allegedly asks for bribes


has been facing a crisis after its call to vote for a new party leader, feuds at the Senate , and now, there is a new explosive scandal . Lawmaker Inés Parra accused her fellow Morena member Sergio Mayer of asking for bribes in exchange of approving cultural projects . First, Parra said that Mayer, the head of the Culture Commission in the l ower chamber , was meddling with the budget allocated with the cultural sector. She then explained that Mayer has been asking for money to the beneficiaries of the cultural projects , according to Parra , Mayer has been “asking for 30%, mainly from the construction of cultural centers .” This way, Parra made the bribes public and also exposed Mayer. Now, lawmakers just need to file a formal complaint and present evidence. If this is the case, this will be a great example of how the new government is willing to punish corruption , even if it involves members from the ruling party .

An austere parade

We've been told that this year, the traditional military parade to celebrate Independence Day on September 16 will be different. We've been told tha t President López Obrador decided that the parade will include fewer members of the armed forces this year. They explain that the parade will be austere and that this year, it will focus on showing the different periods of Mexican history . The President 's aim is not to fatigue the armed forces and allow them to focus on other activities.
