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The bench of MORENA , the political party of Mexico’s President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador , has just presented an initiative before the Chamber of Deputies to implement the Republican Austerity Law in the Federal Public Administration , so that public servers, including State secretaries, are not allowed to have escorts or armored vehicles.
The law reform consists of 13 articles and states that only public officials with a high level of responsibility regarding security, external defense, pursuit of justice, and law enforcement will have right to security escorts payed by the State.
The proposal, enlisted in the Parliamentary Gazette , was presented by deputy Manuel Rodríguez González before plenary at the Chamber of Deputies .
Mario Delgado Carrillo, leader of MORENA
, explained that the reform aimed to limit the number of escorts to the secretaries of State that handled security issues. Escorts will only be assigned when the situation demands it in order to avoid unnecessary privileges.
In a press conference, Delgado Carrillo assured that the monthly remuneration of deputies would be reduced by 28% . He argued that, during the 63rd Legislature , chamber representatives made an average of 128,230 pesos a month , which will be reduced to 91,507 pesos .
The Republican Austerity Law initiative will also forbid retirement pensions for chief executives of state, which means that Mexico’s former presidents will only have access to regular citizen pensions issued by the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) .