
AMLO's general gives his blessings to Meade

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

José Antonio Meade and Ricardo Monreal yesterday in Tampico – Photo: Courtesy
31/05/2018 |08:56
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AMLO general gives his blessings to Meade

Things of politics: they are in different trenches in the presidential election but this isn't an obstacle for courtesy or good manners. José Antonio Meade , candidate of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) to the Presidency, happened to meet in the airport of Tampico with Ricardo Monreal – one of the generals of the campaign of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) . Mr. Pepe got closer to say hi to Mr. Ricardo and both talked for a couple of minutes. What did they talk about? We're told that Meade mentioned his tour around Tamaulipas and Zacatecas – and here he told Monreal of his stop in the town of Jerez, the land of Monreal's grandfather. There are good people there, said Ricardo, who gave his blessings to Meade and asked him to pass his regards to his father, Mr. Dionisio Meade. The two traveled Wednesday afternoon from Tampico to Mexico City. Things of politics…

Vote bragging

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The one who is over the moon with the loads of votes they received from Mexicans abroad is the independent candidate for the Senate, Pedro Kumamoto . Through his Twitter account, Kumamoto shared photos of the votes some Jalisco natives overseas have given him. Fellow candidate to the Upper Chamber, Juanita Delgado , also showed her appreciation for the show of support. “How nice it is to receive shows of support like these,” she wrote in one of her tweets. “I feel your support.” Good news but still a bit early to celebrate.

A troubled deputy seeks solace in the arms of MORENA

We're told that Federal Deputy of the center-left Citizen's Movement Party (MC), Moisés Guerra Mota , has recently joined the team of Andrés Manuel López Obrador . The Federal legislator, according to our sources, had many reasons to change sides given several problems which came up during his time as a deputy. We've been told that the authorities of the Lower Chamber want him because he has some irregularities he needs to straighten out, among them that he had his wife as a Minister of the Commission of Mexico City, and his private secretary as within the Agriculture Commission. We're told that, in addition, there is also the matter of the purchase of some plane tickets and irregularities in the expenses of his home of Citizen's Attention and the expenses for the Legislative Assitance. We're told that in all these matters, some false invoices were found. And given the amount of pressure exerted by the administrative authorities, he asked the MC to help him out or he would go to another party. And it seems Mr. Andrés' left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) welcomed him with open arms. Do they know this legislator has some pending matters and that he could've bought more problems rather than an ally?

More candidates ask for protection

The number of candidates who have requested a security detail is on the rise. We're told that on May 9, the Executive Secretary of the National Electoral Institute (INE), Edmundo Jacobo, signed request number 22 and yesterday the Institute already had 30 applications. To this number, we have to deduct the request of Margarita Zavala, given that she's already out of the contest. Thus, a total of 29 candidates have openly expressed their fear over their personal security in this election.
