
AMLO will give MXN$325.39 billion to the poor

President-elect AMLO will spend 325 billion on welfare programs for states with high poverty rates

- Photo: Yadin Xolalpa/EL UNIVERSAL
23/10/2018 |18:22Misael Zavala |
Redacción El Universal
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States that present the highest poverty rates will benefit the most from federal development and welfare programs during Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s administration , which will represent an investment of 325.39 billion pesos, according to preliminary figures .

While he expressed gratitude to his voters throughout the country, the politician from Tabasco informed that each state would benefit from his welfare program, except for Veracruz and Puebla , where the President-elect will wait for the new state administrations to come into force.

According to data provided by López Obrador, who claimed that the information would still be subject to adjustments in the following days, the state to receive the most benefits from the welfare program in 2019 will be the State of Mexico, which will be given 5.46 billion pesos .

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During his tour, which ended last weekend in Chiapas (a state that will receive 32 billion pesos in federal welfare programs , including 2 billion for people affected by the 2017 earthquakes ), López Obrador informed that entities with higher poverty rates would be a top priority .

In that sense, Oaxaca is set to receive 43 billion pesos from the federation while the state of Guerrero will receive more than 13 billion , in addition to infrastructural funding.

According to the National Council for Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) , Chiapas, the State of Mexico, Guerrero, and Oaxaca currently show the highest poverty rates in the country.

Nuevo León presented the lowest poverty rate

, which is why it will only receive 10 billion pesos .

Furthermore, the public budget for welfare programs will be accompanied with federal investments for large projects such as the New International Airport in Mexico City in the State of Mexico; the Mayan Train, which will benefit the southern states of Campeche, Tabasco, Yucatán, Chiapas, and Quintana Roo; and the project to implement a tax relief in Northern Mexico, benefiting Chihuahua, Baja California, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas, among others .

In Mexico City , the left-wing politician promised a federal investment of 21 billion pesos and 17.5 billion in the state of Hidalgo, including 10 billion for the restoration of the Tula oil refinery .

Though he has concluded his thank-you tour, López Obrador is yet to inform on his budget for the state of Veracruz and Puebla, though he announced that he would start a new tour in the following days. The President-elect is currently working with his upcoming administration to elaborate the Federal Budget of 2019 , in which the welfare programs will be included.
