
AMLO & the UNAM students

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Guanajuato - Photo: Valente Rosas/EL UNIVERSAL
16/05/2018 |09:18
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AMLO & the UNAM students

Our sources within the campaign team of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) tell us they are analyzing the possibility of organizing a meeting between the presidential candidate of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) and the student community of the National Autonomous University of Mexico ( UNAM ). We're told that student groups from different faculties have expressed their interest in meeting with the candidate. But we're told that there are many complications, logistics-wise, and University authorities have expressed their opposition against presidential candidates campaigning at University City (CU). And what MORENA has offered is to hold the meeting at an auditorium, like they did for the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education last April 27.

Three senators travel to Russia

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Just like that, without prior notice, our sources learned that the President of the Senate, member of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) Ernesto Cordero Arroyo , is in Moscow with his fellow members of the Board César Octavio Pedroza (PAN) and Gerardo Flores Ramírez , of the center-right Green Party (PVEM). This trio, they say, is representing Mexico, as members of the Senate, at the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia. And, given the World Cup vibes at the capital city of Russia, we're told that Mr. Ernesto will give a speech before the host himself. There was once a diplomatic act, eight years ago, in which Valentina Ivanovna Matviyenko , a Russian Parlament leader, traveled to our country by virtue of our bilateral relations with that country. Our sources at the Upper Chamber say there was an unavoidable commitment with this trip to Russia.

Zavala struggles with the money

Margarita Zavala

informed that she has encountered a few hurdles in raising funds for her campaign, especially because of the procedure set out by the National Electoral Institute. After she renounced to her public funds, the independent candidate running for President of Mexico confessed at a meeting with officials of BBVA Bancomer that she has an extraordinary campaign team but there is a minor inconvenience: she hasn't received funds since January 31. Yet she bragged about her campaign members, whom she praised for their dedication and passion – elements which she insisted will be enough to see her win an election marked by overspending of the candidates of political parties. The former First Lady described herself as a democrat and stated that despite all the adversities, she will continue fighting till the end of the contest.

A public servant resigns

In this section, we informed you that an official of the Ministry of the Interior, Fausto Muciño Durán , Chief Risk Management Officer, had been reported to the office of Alfonso Navarrete Prida, for preparing what in Mexico is known as the “Hidalgo Year.” We're told that the public servant has left his post, under the National Civil Protection Coordination. 'Was he sacked or did he leave?' That was the question asked at the Ministry of the Interior. The answer was that Mr. Fausto resigned two weeks ago...
