
AMLO obtains official registration as presidential candidate

After registering his candidacy at the INE, López Obrador spoke of reaching out an “open and honest” hand to his political rivals and of the need for an economic, political, social, and moral rebirth for Mexico

Andrés Manuel López Obrador – Photo: José Méndez/EFE
18/03/2018 |11:06
Redacción El Universal
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After his official registration as presidential candidate of the coalition Together We'll Make History, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) spoke about reaching out an “open and honest” hand to his political rivals and promised there would be no retaliation, persecution, or exile for the current members of the political and economic power in Mexico which – he claimed – will be defeated on the 2018 General Election.

At the main courtyard of the National Electoral Institute (INE), before 400 people – including members of the Miners' Union – López Obrador gave a speech in which he stressed the need for justice and not revenge, since he claimed he doesn't hate anyone and wishes “wholeheartedly” to achieve the economic, political, social, and moral rebirth of Mexico.

“Time and again I've said we're striving to make a change through the path of harmony, this is the time when we once more reach out an open and honest hand to our rivals, whom we do not even consider enemies. Once more we tell the members of the political and economic power of the country that we hold no grudges toward them and we assure them that after their possible defeat in 2018, this year, there will be no retaliation, persecution or exile for anyone,” said López Obrador.

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The Tabasco native – running for the third consecutive time for President – also recited a verse of the anthem of Chiapas to reaffirm his position: “let the hateful revenge be forgotten, let rancor end for good, let our beautiful hope be one and one too, be our love.”

“In these new circumstances, our adversaries will have to understand that no group, however important or powerful, will be able to keep plotting against social peace for their own benefit, no one and nothing can be worth more than the well-being and happiness of our people,” he stated.

During his 25-minute speech, the candidate of the coalition between the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA), the far-left Labor Party (PT), and the conservative Social Encounter Party (PES) talked about the rules and proposals he will commit to, should he win on election day.

One of such commitments was to call for a referendum , to be held every two years, in which he will ask Mexican citizens to decide whether he should continue serving as President of the Republic or not.

“In a democracy, the key principle is that the people give and they also take away,” he claimed.

His other commitments, of which he has spoken on several occasions, are about implementing a true rule of law (clean and free elections); end corruption, impunity, and luxuries for the government employees; decent wages and well-paid jobs; transform the country into a world power by strengthening the domestic market and making it self-sufficient; address the causes which have unleashed violence and act with professionalism to ensure security – which he has qualified as the hardest problem to be solved; and, finally, to create a moral Constitution.

“We're not only looking for material stability but also the stability of the soul. Only by being good can we be happy,” the candidate declared.
