
AMLO meets with US Congress members to discuss migration

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Mexico's President met with top US officials to discuss migration - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
02/04/2019 |10:29
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AMLO meets with US Congress members to discuss migration

“I completely trust the ambassador ,” said President López Obrador during his meeting with Eliot Engel, the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee from the U.S. House of Representatives . The President was referring to ambassador M artha Bárcena . During the meeting with Engel, there were other officials present, including Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard ; the Deputy Secretary for North America, Jesús Seade , and the Charge d'Affaires of the U.S. embassy in Mexico, John Creamer.

The honeymoon is over

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In the lower chamber , the PT party is having a hard time pretending that they have a great relationship with Morena but on the contrary, their problems are getting worse. So far, they have three differences: the education reform , the initiative to cut 50% of the resources to political parties , and the reform to the Afores law , which they claim is totally “ neoliberal ” but was approved by Morena . The PT members have already said they will vote against it.

Catfight at the PAN

After Enrique Cárdenas, the PAN, PRD, and MC candidate to Puebla, was abandoned, he is now facing internal opposition. We've been told that some PAN members aren't happy and that they have pending complaints at the Electoral Tribunal since they claim the PAN leadership decided to postulate an outsider, instead of a PAN member . The electoral magistrates granted an audience to the complainers on Monday but inside the PAN, they claim his candidacy is strong and that he will be the one to face Miguel Barbosa.

Millions missing at the Judicial Council

The Federal Judicial Council found a disaster during the last year of the presidency of minister Luis María Aguilar , as millions were wasted in 2018. Everyone is wondering who will explain the irregularities , waste, and expenditures at the Judiciary . We will see but for now, the case has been made public. A hard task for the Judiciary counselors, who received the report last week.
