
AMLO launches pre-campaign at luxury hotel?

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Andrés Manuel López Obrador - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
14/12/2017 |09:57
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AMLO launches pre-campaign at luxury hotel? 

From that side of the political class which doesn't share the statements and descriptive adjectives of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) , is wondering why the aspiring presidential candidate has launched his pre-campaign from a five-star hotel in Mexico City. We've been told the candidate of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) is constantly bad-mouthing the privileged class yet he has decided to start his walk-through across the country from a venue that could be considered luxurious for his austere standards and speeches on abnegation. Wasn't a humble hotel in the Guerrero quarter or in the Peravillo neighborhood better? How about the Los Ángeles room?

A PES between Margarita and AMLO

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The first electoral and political option of the national leader of the conservative Social Encounter Party (PES) , Federal Deputy Hugo Eric Flores , was former member of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) Margarita Zavala , with whom he flirted for several weeks trying to dissuade her from gathering the signatures she needs to be registered as an independent presidential candidate. We've been told Mr. Hugo Eric said to Mrs. Margarita that the PES was ready to make her the presidential candidate of his party and that she didn't need to stand on a corner to gather the almost 867,000 signatures needed. Yet his wooing failed and Mr. Eric set his eyes on the team of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) instead, with whom he finally arranged an electoral coalition that,“with the Grace of God”, will be able to reach the National Palace. Oh, the national leader of the PES still has more to pull out of his magician's hat: Mexican actor Héctor Suárez will record sports to promote the good deeds of Mr. Andrés Manuel.

No more austerity in the PRD

Our sources say the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) seems to be done with austerity measures. After becoming the national leader of the party, Manuel Granados has ordered to rent once more the offices they had in the Benjamin Franklin street. You probably remember the building had allegedly suffered a few damages after the September 19 earthquake and the party didn't rent the offices anymore because the then-national leader, Alejandra Barrales, launched an austerity and savings program. We've been told one of the first orders of Mr. Manuel, now the leader, was to rent the offices again to have a place fit enough for the work ahead.

Judicial Branch: zero tolerance to harassment

In times when cases of sexual harassment against women have seen the heads of politicians, journalists, and artists worldwide roll, the Supreme Court of Justice has managed to classify sexual harassment and abuse, within the Judicial Branch, as serious offenses. We've been told the Minister presiding the Supreme Court, Luis María Aguilar, has encouraged the works so the Senate could approve the modification to the Organic Law of the Judicial Branch of Mexico in this regard, aiming to prevent and discourage impunity to perpetrators. The good judge...
