
AMLO doesn't want to see “you-know-who”

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Andrés Manuel López Obrador waving at the crowd, joined by his wife, Beatríz Gutiérrez Muller – Photo: Ramón Blanco/REUTERS
21/05/2018 |08:46
Redacción El Universal
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AMLO doesn't want to see “you-know-who”

The presidential candidate of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) spent the hours prior to the debate in Ensenada. We're told that Mr. Andrés, together with his family, kept away from Tijuana to go over last minute details of his proposals. Our sources say that AMLO also left Tijuana to avoid chance meetings with “you-know-who.”

INE treats political parties as second-class citizens

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Those who displayed their dismay over the treatment given by the National Electoral Institute (INE) , presided by Councilor Lorenzo Córdova, during the second presidential debate were the r epresentatives of political parties . We're told that the party envoys were upset because the room reserved for them at the Autonomous University of Baja California. A room with just 40 chairs, some water bottles, coffee, and cookies. Their dismay, it seems, comes from the stark contrast with the services provided in this room and other rooms garnished by the INE for other guests, which were more like lounges with flat screens, appetizers, and attended by hostesses. It was, according to them, a whole different world: a room described by the parties as VIP. And the final insult, it seems, was that to get to their appointed second-class room, the party representatives had to pass by some sort of fenced section. Some joked that they had been jailed by the INE. They sure like to overstep their bounds.

Meade's rebirth

The team of José Antonio Meade claims that starting this Monday, his campaign will experience a rebirth because they'll focus on closing “with all their might.” For this, the one who will not stray far from the candidate of the “All For Mexico” coalition will be publicist Carlos Alazraki , who has been advising the candidate. As you may remember, only a few weeks ago Mr. José Antonio relaunched his campaign with the return of the colors and logo of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and with an adjustment to the party's leadership – which saw René Juárez Cisneros as party leader. A new era is coming, they say.

Anaya slows down his mornings

Some members of Ricardo Anaya's inner circle saw the candidate a bit tired and with dark circles under his eyes, as he stuck to his strategy of going out for a morning conference at 7:00. Well, we're told that the presidential candidate of the “For Mexico to the Front” coalition has modified his morning meetings with media representatives. The reason behind the change? The team of this member of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) has concluded that for the final stretch of the campaign, Mr. Ricardo will have to increase his travels across several regions of the country. We're told that, of course, he will not stop his morning meetings altogether, he'll just hold fewer within a week.
