
AMLO announces advisory council of business leaders

Mexico's President-elect has announced the creation of an advisory council of business leaders

In a video message, López Obrador announced the appointment of Ricardo Salinas Pliego, owner of TV Azteca - Photo: Taken from Andrés Manuel López Obrador's official Twitter page
16/11/2018 |19:26Misael Zavala |
Redacción El Universal
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The president elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador has announced the creation of a new advisory council of Mexican business leaders who will support him in fostering economic growth and well being in the country.

In a video message, López Obrador announced the appointment of Ricardo Salinas Pliego, owner of TV Azteca; Bernardo Gómez, executive co-president of Televisa; Olegario Vázquez Aldir, CEO of the Ángeles Group; Carlos Hank González, chairman of the Banorte Group’s Administration Board; Daniel González, Miguel Rincón, Sergio Gutiérrez, CEO of metal supply company DeAcero, and Miguel Alemán Jr .

“They offered to be advisers during my presidency, so I took their word. They want to form an advisory council to help me in providing their point of view, sharing their vision, and help our administration,” claimed López Obrador.

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He explained that the businessmen will be coordinated by Alfonso Romo , and that he would invite other businessmen to the council, aiming towards the creation of a civil society institution to support the Mexican government.

“What we want is to foster growth and well being. We will need the support of businessmen and we will work on that,” he stated, adding that he would still prioritize the interests of the poor.
