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Agents of the Mexico City Police Department have confirmed the arrest of the alleged leader of the drug dealing cell operating in the main campus of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the Coyoacán and Tlalpan boroughs, according to the Ministry of Public Security of Mexico City.
Pursuant to the information available, members of a drug trafficking organization attempted to bribe a female police officer while she was on patrol last Monday. The officer – who has 16 years of service in the police force – decided instead to call for back up, which led to the arrest of the alleged leader of the cell, Héctor Hugo “N” , known as “El H,” and 10 other alleged members of his gang.
Héctor Hugo “N” is, allegedly, the main distributor of illegal drugs at the main campus of the UNAM, University City (CU), which according to the Ministry of Public Security of Mexico City, is also responsible for the events which took place last February within the grounds of the University.
It is believed that he smuggled illegal drugs to his distributors in CU using taxis displaying cartoon character stamps so UNAM surveillance officers and even officers of the Ministry of Public Security of Mexico City would allow the vehicles to enter into University grounds despite carrying no passengers.
Mexico City's Office of the Prosecutor has stated, however, that Héctor Hugo “N” only has a record of armed robbery and drug dealing and thus, the case will be followed by a Control Judge, who shall assess the arguments of the social representation.
The charges against the alleged members of the criminal group – attempted bribery and illegal possession of firearms – are not considered serious felonies and it is possible that the 11 individuals arrested are released while the legal proceeding continues.