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Aleks Syntek
spoke about the sexual harassment accusations he received from a 17-year-old boy from England , who claimed that the famous Mexican singer and composer had called him “cute” and “sexy.”
In a radio interview, the musician claimed that the accusations were false, though he admitted that he had made “a couple of mistakes.”
“This Instagram user made accusations that were completely false,” Syntek stressed.
He commented that he was usually very forthcoming in social media, and talked to fans both publicly and through online chats, but in this case, he claimed: “I made two mistakes: One was using two English words that might have been misinterpreted, and another was talking to someone I don’t know, someone who was a complete stranger to me.”
The singer confessed that he was angry with himself for being “careless and overconfident.”
When asked why he had taken so long to respond to the harassment accusations, he claimed that at first he thought that “it had all been blown out of proportion, and was nothing more than a rumor.”
He added that he intended to be more cautious in social media henceforth and talk about music alone: “The cobbler should stick to his last,” he concluded.
Through his Instagram account, he released a statement apologizing to his fans for what he claims was misinterpreted as inappropriate behavior.