
Adapting to the labor market

If the revolution during the 19th century was mechanical, this time it is digital

A Mexican scientist who is working on a method to control diabetes – Photo: Courtesy of Conacyt
06/01/2019 |09:31
Redacción El Universal
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There has been talk of a new industrial revolution f or decades. If the revolution during the 19th century was mechanical, this time it is digital . Technology has become dominant and there's simply not going back. Adapt or you'll be left behind.

The developments in science and technology have changed lives in many ways. Human beings ' wit has made miracles happen, which have benefited people all over the world. And labor matters are no exception to the automation of processes. The machines and software programs have freed people from heavy and repetitive tasks. Nevertheless, delegating tasks that were carried out by workers to artifacts and computers is also eliminating traditional jobs that no longer make sense in a world that focuses on technology more and more. If by the beginning of the 20th century th ere were traffic officers controlling transit in important avenues, their work stopped making sense when traffic lights were installed, which made their presence unnecessary. And there are hundreds of examples of jobs that have been lost after technology took over. Today, we can talk about digital unemployment . This situation is generating several challenges in the world and Mexico is no exception. If individually, and collectively, there is no adaptation to the new times, the whole country will pay a high price.

Therefore, it is necessary to demand that any education reform implemented in the future considers not only evaluating teachers , but also the analysis of the global environment in the face of the many challenges that are taking place and that will demand the creation of new technical careers and other degrees, as well as rethinking and modernizing the existing ones.

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It should be a priority for educational institutions in every level to review and update their syllabus to adapt them to the changing times and needs that arise with the technological development . The Mexican education system as a whole requires long-term strategies that define the type of school training , either technical or humanistic , that will be taught to the youth during these changing times.
