
Up to 80% of Mexicans suffer from bad breath

While embarrassing for some, bad breath can also be a symptom of underlying diseases

23/01/2018 |15:03
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Bad breath

, or halitosis, causes in people low self-esteem, isolation, fear of speaking before an audience, and obsession, according to Jorge Hernández, head of the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Department at the Eduardo Liceaga General Hospital.

It's common to have “morning breath” as food particles and lack of saliva increase the production of the bacteria living in the mouth. In fact, up to 80% of Mexicans have had to deal with bad breath at one point in their lives.

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Yet sometimes, if bad breath is perceived by others at a distance of one meter or more, then it's time to go to the doctor since halitosis can be a symptom of other diseases.

In most cases, bad breath is the cause of poor oral hygiene, tooth decay, or mouth problems but in 20% of the cases , halitosis is the result of sinusitis, lymphomas, neoplasms, tumors in the mouth and throat, or gastrointestinal diseases.

Dr. Hernández mentions that people rarely mention it when someone suffers from bad breath and if they do, the sufferer sometimes develops a lack of confidence, refuses to engage in conversation, and isolates themselves.

Drinking water is recommended to avoid bad breath as it encourages saliva production, and saliva, in turn, regulates the bacteria population in the mouth.

Brushing your teeth three times a day or after a meal, as well as before going to sleep, will help sweep food particles and decrease the number of bacteria feeding on them.
