
8 Mexican wolf cubs are born in Mexico City

On April 17, eight Mexican wolf cubs were born at the Los Coyotes Zoo in Mexico City

Last May, when the cubs started coming out of their shelter, the veterinarians were finally able to count them - Photo: José Luis Magaña/AP
05/07/2018 |17:26Sandra Hernández |
Redacción El Universal
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The Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) has been an endangered species since 1976 , when the United States and Mexico decided to take action to protect the North American wolf .

On April 17 , eight specimens were born at the Los Coyotes Zoo in Mexico City .

Earlier this year, specialized veterinarians detected a progressive growth in the female wolf “ Perla ”’s womb, as well as certain changes in her diet.

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A few days before her second month of gestation, the female entered its lair, a sort of tunnel leading to an underground space of over 3 feet wide. In its interior, she gave birth to the eight cubs.

The male “ Yoltic ” followed the female’s labor with close attention. Occasionally, it chewed on pieces of meat which he later left at the entrance of the lair for the female wolf to feed on.

Last May

, when the cubs started coming out of their shelter, the veterinarians were finally able to count them.

This new litter came after a group of seven wolves was born in the same compound last year. Now, there is a total of 17 specimens living at the Los Coyotes Zoo .

There is now a total of 350 Mexican wolves living in captivity in both Mexico and the United States out of which 150 were born in Mexican territory .
