
56 million Mexicans manage their finances online

Online banking offers large benefits like accessibility and better prices, that's why 56 million Mexicans use it

56 million Mexicans use online banking services – Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
15/07/2018 |12:14Notimex |
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56 million people manage their finances online

, says LaTasa ; and the main reasons for this change towards technology is because it offers accessibility, personalization, and better prices and how easy it is to use .

According to

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the Bank of Mexico ( Banxico ), these advantages in the use of online banking have resulted in a 64% increase in the number of users, compared to 2017.

In a statement released by the digital investment platform, LaTasa , they claim that among these advantages, accessibility is the most important service , as it only requires a smartphone and an internet connection to make inquiries or any transaction .

It says that online platforms also offer products that easily adapt to every person's needs , which has been a major concern during the technological development of these services.

An example of this is the credit platforms , as they evaluate different variables in order to offer a personalized rate that matches their finances.

The firm highlights that companies , by moving a large part of its operations t o digital platforms , have managed to reduce costs and become more competitive.

It stated that this feature has been largely used by investment platforms as the savings in fixed expenses have allowed offering a profit of over 15% per year.

In regard to this, it pointed out that the digitalization of documents and being able to send information through e-mail or other digital platforms saves a great amount of time on paperwork that used to take a very long time.

On the other hand, the Internet Association affirms that one of the main reasons for not using online banking is that people prefer going to the bank , followed by those who don't consider online transactions to be safe .

LaTasa's general director, Diego Paillés

, said that "t he technological element has always been at the core of our operations , it has motivated innovation and adaptation in the market".
