
4 suspects arrested in connection with the LeBarón massacre

The LeBarón family is set to meet with President López Obrador tomorrow

Today, the LeBarón family protested against crime and violence in Mexico - Photo: Christian Chavez/AP
01/12/2019 |14:37Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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According to a statement released by , authorities arrested three suspects linked to the massacre of nine members of the , a breakaway Mormon community that settled in Mexico over 100 years ago, earlier today.

Last month, federal authorities arrested a man in relation to the of three women and six children in Bavispe , Sonora .

The statement explains that authorities have obtained essential information and evidence in regards to the case.

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The statement issued by the Attorney General's Office adds that FBI agents have been involved in the investigations .

Nevertheless, Julián LeBarón, who participated in a demonstration against violence in Mexico today, said he hasn't been informed about the arrests made earlier today and expects to receive more information tomorrow, as he and the will meet with President López Obrador tomorrow.
