
35, 559 officials earn more than AMLO will

5, 559 public servants earn much more than AMLO ever will. Here's the list

Photo - Minerva Studio/EL GRÁFICO
19/07/2018 |11:22Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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A total of 17 governors and at least 8 mayors have a salary higher than the MXN $108,248 that Andrés Manuel Mópez Obrador proposed as the President's maximum salary. If his proposal is passed, austerity must be also embraced in states and municipalities where several representatives must adjust their salary.

The first on the list is Aguascalientes' governor, Martín Orozco, who earns MXN $245, 742. Followed by Miguel Márquez, Guanajuato, who makes MXN $222, 025. On the 3rd and 4th places are Arturo Núñez from Tabasco with MXN $179, 428 and Alfredo del Mazo, the State of Mexico, who earns MXN $174, 409.

In the list are also two PRI governors, Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, from Campeche, with MXN $176, 661 and Aristóteles Sandoval, Jalisco, with MXN $166, 195.

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Chihuahua's governor, Javier Corral , currently earns around MXN $163, 381 and Carlos Joaquín González from Quintana Roo earns MXN $160, 676.

Yesterday, Coahuila's governor, Miguel Riquelme Solís said that he won't adjust his salary, as he makes MXN $90,000 , yet his gross income is MXN $158, 835 , and receives around MXN $1000 for groceries and MXN $1296 for “recreational, artistic and sports activities”.

Antonio Echeverría, Nayarit, earns MXN $155, 301;

nevertheless, during his campaign, he p romised to donate his salary to create a trust fund to give scholarships to children from low-income families , yet the businessman started his donations 10 months after taking office.

Héctor Astudillo Flores from Guerrero make around MXN $146, 916

; José Rosas Aispuro Torres from Durango follows with MXN $ 141, 697 ; from Yucatán, Rolando Zapata Bello with MXN $141, 152 and Juan Manuel Carreras from San Luis Potosí, who earns MXN $137, 746

Carlos Mendoza Davis, Baja California Sur makes MXN $118, 972.72 per month

; Alejandro Tello Cristerna from Zacatecas, MXN $113, 526 and F rancisco Domínguez Servién from Querétaro, who makes MXN $109, 504.

The “austere” ones include Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares from Veracruz, who earns MXN $74, 938; Marco Antonio Mena Rodríguez, Tlaxcala , makes MXN $76, 648.68 , and Claudia Pavlovich, Sonora who earns MXN $78, 880.

Manuel Velasco Coello from Chiapas follows with MXN $80, 077

. 20; Antonio Gali, Puebla, EARNS mxn $94, 924 ; José Ignacio Peralta from Coli ma makes MXN $96, 374 , and Alejandro Murat Hinojosa, Oaxaca, makes MXN $97, 828.0

Then follows Omar Fayad, Hidalgo; Silvano Aureoles from Michoacán, and Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca from Tamaulipas. Also , José Ramón Amieva, Mexico City; Alejandro Tello Cristerna from Zacatecas, and from Nuevo León, Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, “El Bronco”; who earn over MXN $100,000 but less than MXN $108,000.

Therefore, the salary and compensations cut the i ncoming government is set to propose in the 2019 budget will affect 34,559 public servants that currently earn more than the maximum established by López Obrador.

And according to a revision done by EL UNIVERSAL, with information from this year's Expenditure Budget, from the 1.87 million public sector workers, 35, 559 earn more than MXN $108,248 per month. The information shows that 1.8% of the total of public servants are subject to salary reviews. Besides adjusting the President's salary, there will be an adjustment for State Secretaries, Sub-secretaries, senior officials, head of units, general directors, deputy directors, assistant directors, and heads of departments.

The measure goes beyond the federal government. López Obrador said that the Constitution established that no one can earn more than the President.

The adjustment includes the Chamber of Deputies, Senators, the Federal Audit Office, the Supreme Court, the Council of the Federal Judiciary; autonomous organisms like the INE, INEGI, Cofece; the IMSS and ISSSTE; PEMEX and the CFE.
