Alfonso Cuarón

's movie Roma ” is set to compete in the 75th Venice Film Festival.


aspires to win the Golden Lion , the highest prize given to a film, with a film that tells the story of his childhood in a middle-class family during the 70s . Cuarón inaugurated the 2013 Festival with “ Gravity ”, a film that later won 2 Oscars.

During a press conference, the Festival director , Alberto Barbera , explained that Cuarón's movie, filmed in black and white and produced by Netflix , “is one of the most anticipated movies ” and that “it is mostly autobiographical , it's about his family and his teenage years”.

Another Mexican , Carlos Reygadas , will also compete in the Festival for the Golden Lion along Cuarón with his movie Nuestro tiempo ” (Our time). During the press conference, Alberto Barbero said that Reygadas starred in the movie along with his wife , Natalia López and that he considered the film as “ an attempt to build a sexually open couple ”.

Guillermo del Toro

will also attend, he will head the festival's jury this year . Del Toro won t he Golden Lion for his acclaimed film “ The Shape of Water ” in 2017.

The Festival's 75th edition will take place in the Lido island, from August 29 to September 8.


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