
1968: We've come a long way

50 years after the start of the 1968 movement, it's important to remember the events and how they have shaped Mexican history

A young student is savagely beaten by police officers, 1968 - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
23/07/2018 |08:18
Redacción El Universal
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Every country's history has been marked by violent incidents that trace the difference between before and after in the creation of a better society. Mexico has several milestones that have contributed to shape the country we are in the 21st century.

In 2018 , it will be 50 years since the events of October 2, 1968 , in Tlatelolco , when the student conflict that took place during that time, was brutally repressed by the government.

A whole generation , and many of the following ones , adopted the movement's flag to demand political openness and condemn the abuses . Their demands can be summarized in one: democracy .

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Since earlier this year, EL UNIVERSAL has published interviews with the main characters and showing new material , also, a special website was created and social media users have the option to follow the news about published research , and anyone can contribute with photos , documents or stories .


, exactly 50 years after the beginning of the movement , when quarrels between students from different high schools, and later, the police intervention, triggered protests , is the day when Francisco de la Vega's testimony is published . His words remind the obvious: thinking differently was paid for by going to jail and “almost with physical elimination”.

Just a few years ago, Mexico started to progress in regards to human rights . The victims have a voice and the right to complain against violent acts perpetuated by the government , but this only started 50 years ago . De la Vega is one of the two people that the government, through the Executive Committee for Victim Attention ( CEAV ), declared as a victim of oppression during the 1968 movement , on January 8, 2018.

The victim attention policies are an achievement , as well as the way the governments currently settle problems . Both processes are on a consolidation path . Civil society has won ground , although in some cases authorities seem to think it's a bargain .

To remember the painful 1968 experience should be useful to secure the rights we now have. To forget these events would only contribute to undo all the hard work.
