
10,000 officials from the energy sector surpass AMLO’s income ceiling

9,821 officials from PEMEX, CFE, CRE, and CNH make between 109 and 290 thousand pesos a month

8 out of every 10 directors of the government’s energy sector have a higher income than AMLO - Photo: Edgard Garrido/REUTERS
20/09/2018 |18:01
Noé Cruz Serrano
Reportero de la sección CarteraVer perfil

Budget adjustments for the Federal Law of Remunerations for Public Servants will have an impact on 9,821 officials from the energy sector that currently earn more than the income ceiling established by President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador , which is of 108,000 pesos a month (5730 dollars, with the current exchange rate) .

From the Secretary of Energy to all of the directors, assistant directors, and managers working for PEMEX and CFE , as well as the presidents of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) , the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) , the directors of several institutes and centers tied to the oil and energy industry, will have to undergo wage cuts under Mexico’s new administration.

Most government officials with wages that surpass the income ceiling set by AMLO’s Austerity Law in the energy sector are concentrated in the state-owned oil company PEMEX, where 8,269 government employees make between 109 and 220 thousand pesos a month .

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This means that 8 out of every 10 directors of the government’s energy sector have a higher income than the one López Obrador will have as President of Mexico .

Another 1,067 positions with higher wages are in the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) , with wages ranging from 111 to 284 thousand pesos a month .

According to the Expenditure Budget of the Federation for 2018 , the Secretary of Energy (SENER) makes 290,921.91 pesos a month (before taxes), while the commission presidents of the CRE and CNH receive monthly wages of 282,883.16 pesos each .

The income of the head of SENER is composed of a gross annual wage of 2 million 537 thousand 277 pesos , plus another 953,786 in employee benefits such as social security, protection for wage, insurances, retirement funds, collective contracts, and other sources that make up a yearly expense of 3.5 million pesos .
