
10 construction norms will be published after September earthquakes

México City Mayor, Miguel Ángel Mancera, informed that the new construction norms are currently being reviewed and they will be published this week

Photo: Rebeca Jiménez/EL UNIVERSAL
14/11/2017 |19:37
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Mexico City

government is about to publish a series of construction norms for the building reconstruction, building rehabilitation and building revision after the 8.2-magnitude quake on September 7 and the 7.1-magnitude quake on September 19 .

México City Mayor

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, Miguel Ángel Mancera , informed that the new construction norms are currently being reviewed and they will be published this week.

Miguel Ángel Mancera specified that one of the 10 construction norms is focused on the reconstruction of the buildings that were cataloged in red, derived from the damage suffered by the earthquakes.

Eight will be updated, since they have to do with the construction design (gravitational load, wind, and earthquakes), construction materials (concrete, steel, masonry, and wood) and one will focus on foundations.
