It's common to find among the Mexican political class individuals who went from having simple resources to a vast wealth in just a few years. We're talking about those who found in public service the most lucrative path to access a better quality of life, through the abuse of money and resources power makes easier to obtain. The cycle which begins with scarcity ad ends in ill-gotten money is, sadly, becoming our new normal.

Nayarit Governor, Roberto Sandoval Castañeda, is another example of the luxury and opulence found through power. As EL UNIVERSAL reveals today, the Governor is famous for his extravagant outfits, becoming a horse breeder, and for being usually seen with sports and entertainment celebrities in his daily activities. Sandoval is also suspicious of corruption, according to information available.


and misuse of public resources, together with insecurity , are the most sensitive topics for the Mexican society. The parade of corrupt politicians and public servants has become so commonplace, the rest of the citizens are now systematically disregarded by those in power. But even worse, impunity continues to be the rule in Mexico, where the law isn't equally applicable to all.

Roberto Sandoval joins the list of politicians and high-ranking public servants who are, at least, pointed at for abusing their powers. The Governor shares party militancy with characters such as Javier and Cesar Duarte , former governors of Veracruz and Chihuahua, respectively, wanted for crimes against the assets of the States they once managed.

The ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) , where these three characters sprung, has a debt with the Mexican citizens because their policy of fighting corruption within their ranks is only pursued when scandals are brought to light. Even more, the PRI muddies the water, despite their speeches to end internal corruption, they don't face it openly despite party members holding public offices being flagged as alleged criminals.

Rejection of the federal, state and municipal government administrations by the Mexican citizens is no coincidence. With his example, Nayarit Governor, Roberto Sandoval, reminds us of the need to have institutional mechanisms which allow to detect and detain those who begin to fill their pockets with public money.

This situation also highlights that we need a strong and vocal citizenship; otherwise, there seems to be no other incentive to redirect the behavior of those amassing fortunes for themselves from their seats of power.


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