
The hunt for Xochilt and a "Tigre"

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Xochilt Tress, former public servant for Veracruz.
02/08/2017 |09:00
Redacción El Universal
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The hunt for


and a "Tigre"

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Close friends of the former girlfriend of former Veracruz Governor, Javier Duarte de Ochoa , tell us that Xochilt Tress spent several days in Puerto Vallarta in the company of her current partner Luis Hernández , the youngest of the Tigres del Norte dynasty. We're told the police was watching the former Veracruz official closely, who is now on trial for unjust enrichment. After saying her farewells to the young Tigre , she and her son departed for the airport in hopes of returning to their land. They were intercepted on their way, however, by officers who came to arrest her. Mrs. Xochilt asked the officers to allow her child to return to Veracruz accompanied by a third party. Presently, she claims she only received a couple of “gifts” from Duarte, for which now she will have to spend two years in preventive custody. And Tigre Luis? There's no sign of him.

Letters to Meade

“In politics and economy, new cards are dealt every day,” is a common saying of Finance Secretary, José Antonio Meade . Today his phrase rings true, since it seems the current key player of American President Donald Trump in the White House is General John Kelly , an official who has kept in touch with his Mexican colleges during the last months, considering that from January to July – before he was appointed Chief of Staff – he was the Secretary of Homeland Security, and during these months Meade and Kelly worked together on several issues and still on good terms. Our sources say they happened to meet at a dinner in Miami and that Kelly recently visited Meade at the National Palace. This contact could be of the utmost importance for the bilateral relationship, considering the upcoming challenges, such as the NAFTA renegotiation . Several federal organizations consider this move from Washington could deal the Mexican Government some good cards. We'll have to wait and see the rest of the hand.

The 15 minutes of AMLO with Bachelet

After a long flight – similar in duration to what it would take to fly to Europe – national leader of the far-left National Regeneration Movement Party (MORENA) , Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO ), had a fifteen-minute meeting, according to our sources, with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet . It has been brought to our attention that perhaps this quick visit of AMLO could have improved the mood of Mrs. Michelle, considering her administration ends in early 2018 and poll ratings for Chile's upcoming elections in November favor conservative former President Sebastian Piñera – who is the political opposite of Bachelet and AMLO, who, by the way, continues his tour to win favor for MORENA and will meet Ecuadoran President Lenin Moreno this Thursday.

Beltrones: I don't seek confrontation as a politician

During the traditional dinner of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) members of the 62 Legislation, their Parliament Coordinator, Manilo Fabio Beltrones , send his teammates a message where he talked about the recovery of their party identity and their desire for reform. Mr. Manilo said they first need to think and negotiate agreements from the inside, before looking for external agreements. Parties, he said, have done this backward: “they go to work agreements on the outside and neglect the inside.” Another message from this Sonora native was that he is not a politician who seeks confrontation, he's the sort who proposes arrangements. “That's what I do, and that's what I'll always do”. Crystal clear, no doubt.
