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Senado alista reforma para combatir financiamiento al terrorismo y al narco; prevén iniciar revisión en fechas próximas

PAN cede sus comités como albergues para migrantes; Romero pide a Sheinbaum evitar guerra arancelaria con EU

“México no se raja”: Mexicanos se solidarizan con paisanos ante deportación masiva de Trump; respaldan a Sheinbaum

UNAM propone aumento del 4% en salario y 2% en prestaciones a académicos; falta aprobación del personal

Consulados ofrecen a mexicanos en EU talleres para conocer sus derechos; promueven planes ante posibles detenciones

“A resolver”; Senado tiene plan B para elección judicial en caso de que Comité del PJ desacate resolución: Noroña
Trump not involved in Rafa Márquez case
Immediately after returning from Washington, Larry Rubin , Republican Party representative and candidate for the US embassy in Mexico, began the arduous task of trying to get American President Donald Trump off the hook regarding the case against Mexican football player Rafael Márquez, designated by the U.S. Treasury Department for having business dealings with a drug lord. We're told this black list – created in 1950 – includes individuals who have been investigated for months and even years. And herein lies the crux of the matter; Mr. Larry says it's highly probable that the files on Márquez and Julión Álvarez were first opened during the Barack Obama administration. Of course, Rubin wants Trump out of the hook when fingers point at public figures – who are, now, unable to enter into business relationships with the American private initiative of the financial sector. Comprende, mi amigo?
Julión and the PGR independence
The Office of the Mexican Attorney-General (PGR) finally showed its critics – those who think the Office can't act independently from the Executive Branch. And the proof is irrefutable. Last Monday, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto posed for a photograph with singer Julión Álvarez and Chiapas Governor, Manuel Velasco , during his trip to the Sumidero Canyon. The photo was uploaded to the official social media of the President. Two days later, the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned Álvarez for his ties with drug lord of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel . The American Office claims they were assisted by the PGR to identify the networks of the drug lord in Mexico, as well as to secure some of his assets. It's abundantly clear no one from the PGR told President Peña of the inconvenience of appearing in a photograph with a man who was being investigated under the microscope by the American Government for its alleged drug trafficking connections . That's independence, alright.
INE regulations and the Coahuila case
The ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) has devised a strategy to dismiss the resolution of the National Electoral Institute (INE) on the excessive expenditure for their campaign in Coahuila, with a tax regulation approved on December 21 of last year. We're told the leader of the party, Enrique Ochoa , argued the rule wasn't in force and effect since it wasn't published at the INE's official website, under the supervision of councilor Lorenzo Córdova. And, considering this abnormal situation, the Institute decided to recently publish it in the Official Federal Gazette . This proves the PRI members were right, according to the attorneys of Miguel Riquelme, former PRI candidate for Governor to the State of Coahuila. Shortly, according to our sources, the Electoral Court of the Judicial Branch will determine whether Riquelme won the election or not.
Ferriz sees “uneven” ground
This morning, the National Electoral Institute (INE) will receive its first noncompliance with the guidelines known as “even ground”, approved by them a couple of days ago. We're told today, Pedro Ferriz de Con – who's looking for the Presidency in Mexico through independent means – will appear before the INE to cancel the implementation of the guidelines prohibiting campaigning through social media. Mr. Pedro claims he won't be a candidate unless he's acknowledged by the INE, reason why he can continue using social networks and that restricting his internet usage is a violation to the rights of freedom of speech and ideology debate. That is, Ferriz will tell the INE he doesn't see the ground even at all.