
180.000 transportation vehicles use stolen fuel in Mexico

Approximately 550.000 cargo and passenger vehicles are targets of the organized crime and are robbed of their own diesel

Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
12/07/2017 |19:52
Noé Cruz Serrano
Reportero de la sección CarteraVer perfil

A third of freight and passenger transportation in Mexico moves with stolen diesel , recognized transportation groups.

They revealed that during the routes the huachicoleros , persons who steal and sell adulterated fuel , milk the tanks of trailers and trucks to force them to buy stolen diesel.

In this way, criminals have more available volume that they mix between the stolen fuel from clandestine taps and the one that they subtract from transporters, allowing them to obtain greater profits.

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The modus operandi of milking truck diesel tanks is carried out when carriers stop to repair tires, mechanical failures or when they arrive at gas stations.

At the 17th National Forum on Freight Transport , they indicated that "according to the records of 143.000 permissible companies of cargo transportation, 3 out of 10 trucks buy diesel from huachicoleros at prices up to six pesos per liter cheaper than the formal market."

Approximately 550.000 cargo and passenger vehicles are targets of the organized crime and are robbed of their own diesel, which in many cases was legitimately bought.

Alex Theissen Long

, president of the National Association of Private Transport (ANTP), commented that the extraction has been registered by the drivers themselves, as there are those who sell the acquired product at service stations and later seek the huachicolero to buy cheaper fuel, and that is where they make a profit.

On May 31 , Rafael Ortiz Pacheco , president of the Mexican Association of Carrier Organizations (Amotac), which brings together 60.000 truck drivers in the country, acknowledged: "Everyone consumes stolen fuel, I would lie if I said no, because with the prices that the government imposed on us, aside from expensive, there are more advantages with the huachicoleros since they provide full tanks and the price is cheaper . "

In addition to this problem, said Miguel Elizalde , president of the National Association of Producers of Buses, Trucks, and Tractors (ANPACT), cargo and vehicles theft is on the rise.

"In the first quarter of the year, this crime increased 60% , especially in the Mexico-Puebla-Veracruz highway, and in the states of Tamaulipas and Michoacán, " he reported.
