
Spain, Mexico endorse commitment to strengthen cooperation

This legislative relationship is the only one that Mexico maintains with a parliament of a European Union country

Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
11/07/2017 |18:26Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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At the 15th Spain-Mexico Interparliamentary Meeting , legislators from both countries endorsed their commitment to strengthen bilateral cooperation on issues related to economy and trade; education and culture, and security and defense.

In the first table, " Economic and commercial cooperation ," the legislators expressed the need to face isolation, because only through cooperation and joint work can major goals be achieved in this area and thus provide employment opportunities and equality to the population.

The meeting highlighted the fact that economic and trade relations between Mexico and Spain have multiplied since 1977, when the bilateral trade was of approximately USD$140 million , while in 2017 trade amounted to almost USD$8 billion and it is expected to grow.

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The Iberian country is Mexico's ninth trading partner at an international level and the second among the members of the European Union . Meanwhile, our nation is Spain's main trading partner in Latin America and its sixth foreign investor, with approximately USD$1.2 billion .

Economic cooperation

During the second table, " Economic and Cultural Cooperation ," both delegations reaffirmed their commitment to further strengthen these issues, as they assured that the best way to combating inequality is through culture, education, and reading.

The Mexican delegation expressed to its Spanish counterparts the importance of academic exchange and mentioned that there are more than 4.000 Mexicans studying in Spain. They reiterated that one of their objectives is to continue promoting the educational relationship and academic mobility with Spain.

The third table dealt with the issue " Security and defense ." In it, the legislators spoke in favor of reinforcing the bilateral cooperation agreements that exist in this area; in addition, they expressed their views on human rights, criminal justice, extradition, exile, refugees, and cybercrime.

In 2012 both countries signed the Cooperation Agreement on Combating Organized Crime , in which the two nations coordinate efforts in the prevention and combat of crime in the areas of drug trafficking, production, and illicit trade.

The inauguration of the Spain-Mexico Interparliamentary Meeting took place last Sunday .

At that ceremony, the president of the Mexican Senate, Pablo Escudero , said that this legislative relationship is the only one maintained with a parliament of a European Union country and that is because of the strategic relationship and constant political dialogue that exists between the two states, "but especially because of the cultural heritage and historical links ."
