
Roberto Borge rejected extradition to Mexico

The Attorney General of Panama confirmed that the lawyers Carlos Carrillo and Arturo González Baso were hired by the former governor's family

Photo: Germán Espinosa/EL UNIVERSAL
06/06/2017 |17:59José Meléndez / corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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Former governor of the state of Quintana Roo, Roberto Borge , rejected his extradition to Mexico.

Before the High Court of Appeal in the capital of Panama , after being questioned by Judge Yiles Pitti over his acceptance to be extradited to Mexico, he responded: “I do not agree, honorable judge,” in the hearing which had a recess at 15:11 hours.

The Panamanian lawyer Carlos Carrillo , Borge's attorney, remarked a series of alleged irregularities in the detention process of the former governor, occurred last Sunday at the Tocumen International Airport , in Panama, before boarding a plane to Paris, France .

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Borge attended this afternoon to the High Court of Appeal, comprised of 3 judges, to the hearing requested by the Panama Attorney General's Office for International Affairs .

The Attorney General of Panama confirmed that the lawyers Carlos Carrillo and Arturo González Baso were hired by the former governor's family to assume his defense.
