
What did the candidates lack?

OPINION: The rushed triumphalism only creates an atmosphere of confusion and little contributes to building a culture of acceptance of defeat, which must be key to consolidate the democratic environment of the country.

Newspaper leader by EL UNIVERSAL
05/06/2017 |08:25
Redacción El Universal
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In a democratic competition - there are, fortunately - many participants, although only one will rise with the victory in the end.

This Sunday there were elections in four entities of Mexico, three of which voted to elect governor. The citizenship attended to exercise their right in a day that went by without serious incidents. The ones who do not seem to understand the rules of democracy are the contenders themselves. Yesterday, a few minutes after the closing of the polling places, there were a series of triumphant declarations from several candidates. Couldn't they wait to hear the preliminary results or quick counts to cast a stance?

The rushed triumphalism only creates an atmosphere of confusion and little contributes to building a culture of acceptance of defeat, which must be key to consolidate the democratic environment of the country.

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In the face of such a tight race, proclaiming victory before time is only understood for purposes of propaganda, but can cause serious damage to the electoral authority, because, if the votes are not favorable for who came out to self-proclaim winner, there will be suspicions among the electorate that the authority worked in a partial way and somehow influenced the result, an unlikely situation in a process in which the votes are counted by citizens chosen randomly and who are neighbors of the voters.

That the candidates accept their defeat and that they wait to know the official results is a demand of the citizenship. If they consider that there was an inequitable process, with irregularities, they should address institutional channels; in addition to the many ways available nowadays with which they are able to spread their views or denunciations of their non-conformities. It is this part of the electoral courts to show an impartial action that serves to generate confidence in public opinion. In the short history of the elections in Mexico organized by citizens, parties have been fined with millions and even annulments of electoral processes have taken place. Decisions that may seem drastic, but all foreseen within the law.

The citizens comply with their task of voting, the ones in debt are the candidates. They lack the civic value of recognizing that results or tendencies are adverse to them and pronounce after official announcements. Citizens continue to expect Mexican politicians to act responsibly.
