
UNDER RESERVE: Fake-exit-poll battle

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Alfredo del Mazo (PRI) and Delfina Gómez (MORENA) - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
05/06/2017 |08:31
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Fake-exit-poll battle

Sunday's election was marked by an element that violated electoral legislation: the profuse dissemination of “exit polls” with data on the alleged preferences for ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) candidate, Alfredo del Mazo, and far-left National Regeneration Party (MORENA), Delfina Gómez, in the State of Mexico. The penetration and distribution of these exercises began after 12:30 and lasted until 16:30 hours, with different angles and different figures, some that showed del Mazo ahead and others that put Mrs. Delfina above the Revolutionary candidate. It was a war that found its platform and terrain of confrontation in social networks and WhatsApp, used by brands and unknown houses. In short, unauthorized polls that sought to influence the voters' mood in the State of Mexico and that were also replicated for the state elections in Coahuila. What will the electoral authority do with this propaganda in the face of the 2018 presidential elections?

PAN granted votes to MORENA

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When analyzing the data of several of the polling places of the so-called “blue corridor”, conservative National Action Party (PAN) members noticed a relevant fact: militants and sympathizers of that party voted for far-left National Regeneration Party (MORENA). We are assured that the votes of the blue deception were mostly for Delfina Gómez, the candidate of MORENA, and in some other cases, for the candidate of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Alfredo del Mazo. They tell us that these figures explain the fact of the colossal fall of the blue aspirant Josefina Vázquez Mota, who, only a few months ago, the national leadership of the party presented as the most competitive, both within the party as well as in relation to other contenders. Now, the explanation of how Mrs. Josefina went from first to fourth place will have to come.

Del Mazo in debt with Zepeda

And if at the end of the day the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) candidate, Alfredo del Mazo, rises with the victory in the State of Mexico, who should be part of his triumph? Some point, first of all, at the leaderships and internal groups of conservative National Action Party (PAN) and Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), since, had they achieved an alliance, they would have been very competitive. Secondly, the gratitude would have to be for the PRD candidate, Juan Zepeda, who made a successful campaign that managed to divide the vote of the left and that did not accept to endorse MORENA, If he had done it, Delfina Gómez would have won comfortably. PRI is certainly in debt with to some of their adversaries.

Interparliamentary Mexico-US

In the midst of the post-election storm in our country, Mexican federal deputies and US congressmen are meeting today at San Lázaro Legislative Palace, in Mexico City, to celebrate the 53rd Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Meeting. Deputy Victor Giorgana Jiménez and Representative Michael McCaul will head this effort to try to improve the dialogue between the two countries in the era of President Donald Trump. Mexican senators of Mexico will have their own meeting with their peers from the Capitol by November or December 2017. This way, we are told, a legislative meeting that was discontinued will come to life and will have the issues of migration, border, security and FTA as guiding axes.
