
Mexico City embraces 80% of refugees in Mexico

On World Refugee Day, the Copred exhorted society to eliminate stigmas and prejudices against refugees

Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
20/06/2017 |17:51Notimex |
Redacción El Universal
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The Council to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination in Mexico City (Copred) informed that the capital gathers almost 80 percent of the asylum and refuge seekers within the national territory, so it exhorted the population to eliminate stigmas and prejudices which violate the human rights of these people.

On the World Refugee Day , commemorated since 2001 , it reminded that this date is a call to the nations to join efforts and guarantee the rights of all the people affected by wars, political conflicts or natural disasters , as well as to facilitate and offer international cooperation measures.

The council said that refugees are in need of assistance in many ways since they are in a serious situation of vulnerability and discrimination, given their condition of forced displacement.

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“Providing support to this difficult condition implies various actions, from legislative to public policies of assistance and encouragement,” stated in a report.

The Copred also expressed that the Mexico City government has implemented a series of programs both for refugees and migrants so that they can have access to basic services.

As an example, the “ tarjeta huésped ” (migrant card) aims to guarantee medical attention, education and legal council , along with the recognition of a multicultural, bilingual, and diverse space , expressed in the Article 1 of the Political Constitution of Mexico City.
