
Jazz at its finest in Mexico City

The Anglo Arts Centre in Mexico City welcomes its first Jazz Series with a selection that celebrates the diversity of the capital's jazz scene

Figures of the jazz scene in Mexico gather for the presentation of the "Jazz Series" in the Anglo Arts Centre in Mexico City - Photo: Lucía Godínez/EL UNIVERSAL
20/06/2017 |19:05
Redacción El Universal
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A solid track record, quality, and a diverse musical lineup distinguish this year’s selection of jazz ensembles that will hit the Mexico City stages of the Anglo Arts Centre starting next Thursday, June 29 with the first of seven jazz performances running through December this year. The evening concerts will take place one Thursday per month through December at 20:30.

Manager of the Anglo Arts Centre, Rocío Bermejo,

welcomed the concerts in light of The Anglo Mexican Foundation commitment to the promotion of the arts in Mexico , during the press conference held in the Anglo Arts Centre earlier today.

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The Jazz Series

is the first effort of its kind in the recently inaugurated venue, that seeks to consolidate itself as a cultural hub in downtown Mexico City. Long time jazz promoter , critic and radio host Oscar Adad was tasked with this year’s selection that brought together, in his own words “the finest jazz players in Mexico City and the whole of the country”.

Adad’s selection enables audiences to experience a variety of exciting approaches to jazz music ranging from traditional jazz performances in the first concert by internationally renowned Alex Mercado Trio , to world music and jazz ensemble Petra , which combines sounds from the Middle East, rock and jazz music led by Fausto Palma in the last and seventh concert of the series.

July's second concert features jazz manouche , swing and bebop styles by the Swingfónica Band of guitarist Frankie Muñoz , with an exclusive swing dance session, prior to the concert, by Lindy Hop swing dancers of Swing Mexico , led by its artistic director Tim Collins .

Israel Cupich Quartet

combines Hard Bop jazz of the 50’s with contemporary rhythms in August's third concert of the series, while jazz icon Iraida Noriega will play in September's fourth concert alongside the Groovy Band with a mixture of jazz, soul , and funk .

October's fifth concert is delivered by Víctor Correa’s Strong Bone ensemble featuring a string quartet and trombone, followed by creative music blends of jazz, electronic music, and rock led by independent performer Federico Sánchez and his Vol. II ensemble in November's sixth concert.

The Anglo Arts Centre

is located in downtown Mexico City in Antonio Caso Street No. 27 in San Rafael neighborhood.

Tickets available

at the Anglo Arts Centre: Monday to Friday from 10:00-18:00

Admission fee: MXN$150

Stay tuned for our coverage of the Jazz Series at the Anglo Arts Centre with updates and exclusive interviews with performers and the people behind this exciting musical experience.
