
Pemex terminates contract with 7 huachicol gas stations

Pemex detected anomalies in sales and fiscal inconsistencies in Puebla

Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
02/06/2017 |17:45
Noé Cruz Serrano
Reportero de la sección CarteraVer perfil

Pemex (Mexican Petroleums), the state-run oil company, terminated the contracts of 7 gas stations which allegedly committed irregularities in fuel sales and presented fiscal inconsistencies.

The stations are located in the municipalities of Palmar de Bravos (2), Cuyoaco (2), Tecamachalco, Huixcolotla, and Quecholac, in the central state of Puebla.

The company explained that this measure resulted from the interdepartmental operation carried out on April 18, where, besides the suspension of the supply, tax audits initiated and bank accounts were blocked.

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In the operation participated Pemex, the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit, through the Tax Administration Service (SAT), the Financial Intelligence Unit, and the Attorney General (PGR).

Additionally, the Secretariat of National Defense and the National Security Committee participated, through the Federal Police, in coordination with the state police which gave its support to guarantee the officers' security.

The main goal of this operation is to offer certainty to end users, as well as combat the illicit market of fuel, tax evasion, money laundering and commercial fraud.

Pemex said that the population's support is essential in order to combat these actions, and can contribute to that objective with their anonymous reporting.

For Mexico City and Metropolitan Area, the telephone number is 55 68 87 22 and for the rest of the country, long distance without charge is 01 800 468 87 22.

Pemex remarked that if the issue is about illegal pipeline taps, the reporting number is 01 800 228 96 60 or the email vigilante@pemex.com.

If the report is for criminal acts, Pemex provides the number 088 and 01 800 440 36 90, and the email ceac@cns.gob.mx.

According to data from the company, the states with the major number of municipalities where this crime has occurred are Veracruz, Hidalgo, the State of Mexico and Puebla.
