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Carlos Lozano O'Reilly, an industrial engineer from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), created a method in which nature comes first. The ecological urns are made of salt and sand or soil, even compost, and they have had a great reception in Europe, the United States, and some Latin American countries, like Brazil and Chile.
The creator of the product commented that with this type of urns, traditional graveyards will be replaced in order to take them to the countryside or sea, where their degradation is extremely quick, thus helping the environment.
“The benefit is that our corpse has more than 70 types of nutrients, such as chrome, cadmium, aluminum, copper, phosphorus, and calcium. The calcium in the sea helps to reestablish coral reefs, the calcium in the forests helps trees to reinforce their bark, make their leaves greener and stalks stronger,” said Lozano in an interview.
He added that on freshwater currents, the nitrites of the urns made of sand deposit on the bottom of lakes and help phytoplankton, meaning, the beginning of the food chain, from which small and bigger fishes feed.
“There are ways to die, now graveyards begin to saturate rapidly and ecological urns become a solution to the lack of space,” said Lozano.
The urns cost more than MXN$1.200 pesos and the first ones are used in a new concept of ecological graveyard, where they are placed next to a tree.
The ones made of sand have a minimalist design, with a round shape which for many people evokes peace and tranquility.