
UNDER RESERVE: Margarita puts the scythe away

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

19/06/2017 |08:30
Redacción El Universal
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Margarita puts the scythe away

We were told that after the spelling mistake made by Mrs. Margarita Zavala 's team in 10 of her billboards, the wife of former President Felipe Calderón has decided not to cut any head, at least for now. From within the conservative National Action Party (PAN) , we are told that they observe amused the error in the campaign of the candidate in which they wrote "trance" instead of "transe". We were also explained that Mrs. Margarita did not kick anyone out but made a severe warning to her team and said she wouldn't tolerate one more mistake. The former first lady tightened the screws and now every message that is broadcast on social networks is carefully reviewed. We are told that Margarita Zavala preferred to put the scythe away and not cut any heads... for now.

The battle of PAN

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By the way, speaking of conservative National Revolutionary Party (PAN) , we were told that fire will come out of the meeting that will be held next Thursday at their headquarters. The heads of the party were called to attend the ordinary meeting of the Permanent Commission which will be the first one they have in the party after the elections of the 4 of June. The topics to be discussed are the Coahuila case and the electoral balance, where Ricardo Anaya , president of the party, announced on Sunday, June 4 that they had won three out of the four elections, although he did not say which ones. However, the toughest issue will come when addressing the definition of dates to designate the presidential candidate for 2018. The positions are very well-known by now: the Anaya supporters insist on carrying out the internal process until November, while the people of Raphael Moreno Valle insist on the method to be defined right away. Those close to Margarita Zavala , we are told, will maintain their position: anticipate the election, which implies that Anaya defines whether or not he will run for candidate. That means PAN is expected to begin the battle for the 2018 election this Thursday.

Eva Cadena counterattacks

Eva Cadena

, former far-left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) local deputy who was captured in some videos receiving money to allegedly pass it on to Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has an appointment today at the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH). We are told that Mrs. Eva will complain before that body, headed by Luis Raúl González Pérez , against the Legislative Branch . We know that Cadena will point at the local Congress of Veracruz , for alleged irregularities in her process of immunity removal. The former candidate for mayor of Las Choapas will also go against the Federal Congress for what she considers vices of origin in the procedure to remove her immunity. We know that the legislator will pronounce after she files her complaints at noon. However, it is very difficult to go against the images that show her receiving bundles of money and presumably agreeing to modify legislations in exchange for money.

IMSS, from bankruptcy to investment

Returning to Mexico from Cuban lands, where he traveled to accompany Health Minister, José Narro , the director of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Mikel Arriola , will be touring Pachuca to inaugurate, together with the governor of Hidalgo, Omar Fayad , a new family clinic of the 40 that were promised by President Enrique Peña Nieto. However, we are told that this is not the relevant matter, but the fact that only in Hidalgo, IMSS has 26 works in progress with an investment of 1.3 billion pesos, which was unthinkable in 2012, when the last administration left the institute broken.
