The former Chancellor of Germany, Helmut Kohl , architect of the German reunification , has passed at 87 years old , informed on Friday the Bild journal .

Kohl was German Chancellor from 1982 to 1998 and was also the motor who promoted the introduction of a European official currency, convincing skeptical Germans to give up the mark.

Since he suffered a fall and head trauma in 2008 , Kohl was bounded to a wheelchair and had a fragile health condition , preventing him from getting involved in public life.

“We are grieving. Rest In Peace,” posted the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) on its Twitter account , confirming the death of the politician.

The Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CSU) posted on Twitter:

“We are mourning over former Chancellor Helmut Kohl. Kohl was a great statesman, his achievements are invaluable for our country.”

Kohl jumped into national politics in 1976 , when he was the leader of the opposition and took office as Chancellor in 1982 when he won a censorship motion against the Social Democrat Helmut Schmidt.


released a statement through the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs (SRE), lamenting the death of the former German leader.

Mexico expressed to the people and government of Germany , as well as the Kohl family , its condolences and testimony of solidarity, announced the Secretariat.

Helmut Kohl did an official visit to Mexico in 1984 , an event which consolidated the relations between both nations.

His second visit to the country was during the 1986 FIFA Worl Cup hosted by Mexico, mentioned the SRE.


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