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In order to improve the life of impaired indigenous people living in communities, the National Council for the Development and Inclusion of Persons with Impairments (Conadis) and the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous People (CDI) signed a collaboration agreement .
During the meeting, Mercedes Juan López , Managing Director of Conadis, said that for the federal government the inclusion of impaired people is a relevant issue in which all sectors of society must take part.
With this accord, signed by Mercedes Juan López and Nuvia Mayorga Delgado , head of the CDI, they reinforced the commitments adopted in the Convention on the Rights of People with Impairments , which aims to promote and implement the development and inclusion of indigenous persons with disabilities.
The document considers the execution of a series of courses on training and updating for public servers of both institutions in terms of the international accords and legislation regarding the rights of impaired persons so that they can spread that material among indigenous communities .