

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

31/05/2017 |08:36
Redacción El Universal
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PRI syndrome

Some members of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) war room entered a phase of concern over Sunday's voting in the four states in which there is an electoral process – State of Mexico, Coahuila, Nayarit and Veracruz-. They explain that the strategists of PRI national leader, Enrique Ochoa Reza, are analyzing a psychological phenomenon that characterizes the tricolor voter and that could be manifested on June 4. For some strange reason, they tell us, the loyal tricolor voter gets excited and goes to the polls only if they perceive that a sure victory comes, a convincing triumph of its candidates. If, on the contrary, the polls anticipate a close, tight election, PRI militants stay home and do not go out, we are told. And the thing is that right now there are two very competitive processes, State of Mexico and Coahuila. Will Mr. Enrique's boys feel confident of their triumph on Sunday? Make your bets ladies and gentlemen!

MORENA-Maduro love

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We are told that a few days ago, the Venezuelan ambassador to Mexico, María Lourdes Urbaneja Durant, met with the leadership of far-left National Regeneration Party (MORENA), in the offices of the Party's Political Promotion School, to give a talk to militants. Sitting next to the ambassador was Héctor Díaz Polanco, in charge of the Honor and Justice Commission of MORENA, we are told. Ambassador Urbaneja thanked the solidarity of MORENA and her unrestricted support for the Bolivarian Revolution, which began with President Hugo Chávez and now, after Chavez's death, is headed by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. The good relationship MORENA-Venezuela contrasts with the criticism recently made to the country by President Maduro, who affirmed that Mexico became a "failed state" product of all the violence and drug trafficking. Will Venezuela endorse the coming to power of MORENA?

Senators under the spotlight

The political game for the elections in the State of Mexico, we are told by the Senate, reaches the unusual, such as the citations addressed to ten senators loyal to far-left National regeneration Party (MORENA) to appear before the Electoral Institute of the State of Mexico for the commission of alleged electoral crimes, which the electoral arbitrator did not specify. The legislators went on April 3 to the kick-off of MORENA candidate, Delfina Gomez, campaign, and apparently, that was their sin, we are told, so now they have had to appear in writing before the electoral authority. And now the Senators are going to claim that the people of ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), headed by Senator Emilio Gamboa, who supported Humberto Cota in Nayarit, along with other seven members of his party, are equally measured. Now PRI and MORENA are waiting for more mutual blows from here to Sunday 4 June.

Only “buddies” at the Anti-Corruption System

A few weeks ago we discussed the irregularities committed in the formation of the Citizen Participation Committee of the National Anti-Corruption System, where the "fees and buddies" criterion has been privileged. Today, different social organizations and experts point at this policy that has become the hallmark of the house: the recent appointment of Ricardo Salgado as technical secretary of the System will not go without suspicion. To begin with, Mr. Ricardo has had a professional career that has coincided with those who participated in his designation. In addition, it's mentioned that, once again, candidates with better qualifications were left in the way, something that seems to be a common practice in the formation of the organism that has the great responsibility of fighting corruption.

Photo: Enrique Ochoa Reza, National President of PRI (File/EL UNIVERSAL)
