
We are after huachicol leaders: Osorio Chong

The Secretary of the Interior announced the sending of 200 Federal Police agents to the state of Veracruz

Photo: Featured photography
30/05/2017 |17:40Edgar Ávila / Corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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The Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, traveled yesterday to Veracruz to reinforce security measures and announced that among the actions taken against fuel theft gangs, they are going after their leaders.

Along with the governor of Veracruz, Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares, they reported the sending of 200 agents of the Federal Police to the municipality of Poza Rica, located north of the state and greatly affected by organized crime.

Osorio Chong assured that targets from the organized crime who operate in Veracruz are already detected and they will arrest them.

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In a meeting of the Coordination Group Veracruz, led by Yunes, the federal official said they will detain each one of them in cooperation with the Army and Navy.

“We want to make clear that Poza Rica will receive all the government's support to solve the insecurity problem… we have defined the actions which the Secretariat of National Defense, the Navy and the Attorney General will take,” said Osorio.

At the same time, he expressed that they will continue to combat fuel theft in Puebla and Veracruz, where the highest rates of this crime are registered, and urged the population not to get involved in this illicit activity.
