
EZLN elects candidate today

The Indigenous Government Council will announce the name of their independent candidate for 2018

Photo: Fredy Martín Pérez/EL UNIVERSAL
28/05/2017 |10:59Fredy Martín Pérez / Corresponsal |
Fredy Martín Pérez
Corresponsal en TabascoVer perfil

Yesterday, the first constituent assembly of the Indigenous Government Council of (CIG) began to elect a woman as its spokesperson and independent candidate for the 2018 electoral process.

At the Cideci-Untierra facility, located on the old road to San Juan Chamula, representatives of the country's ethnic groups arrived to participate in the assembly, which also includes Sub-Commander Moisés, Commander Tacho, and Sub-Commander Galeano (formerly Marcos), of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN).

The name of the candidate will be released tonight, at the end of the meeting, in which ethnic groups from 26 states of the country participate.

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Between December 2016 and January 2017 the call for the V National Indigenous Congress (CNI) was announced, with the mission of forming the CIG, in which the members of the 56 ethnic groups of the country are represented.

The mechanics for these two days that the assembly will last is that the representatives of the indigenous peoples participate in discussion tables, under the axes: Purposes and Strategies of the Indigenous Government Council; operation and organization of the Indigenous Government Council; CIG linking with other sectors of civil society and the naming of the CIG spokesperson.

The schedule for today is to hold the constituent plenary assembly of the CIG "for Mexico and the protest of its members", as well as the discussion and approval of agreements, resolutions, and declarations, as well as closure of the event, where the actions that the spokeswoman will carry out will be announced.
