
Public beach park inaugurated in Cancún

The Secretary of Tourism will open others in Huatulco, Ixtapa and one more in Cancún

Photo: Featured photography
25/05/2017 |19:25Adriana Varillas / corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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The first public beach park in Cancún was presented yesterday by authorities of the Secretary of Tourism (SECTUR) and the National Fund for Tourist Promotion (FONATUR) in the municipality of Benito Juárez, for the enjoyment of residents and tourists.

The Maya Langosta Public Park aims to introduce recreational spaces with view to the beach, remarked the Director of Development of FONATUR, Manuel Mercado. The General Director of the Fund, Miguel Ángel Alonso, said that 3 additional parks will be created in Huatulco, Ixtapa and one more in Cancún, in the region of the km 0. The latter will have an investment of MXN$25 million pesos and will be connected with the Bicycle Path, the Garden of Art and the Maya Langosta park, in order to create a recreational avenue.

The director of SECTUR, Enrique de la Madrid, assured that the works done in Delfines Beach favored the site for locals and not for projects or commercial businesses.

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Maya Langosta had an investment of MXN$15,48 million pesos; the construction initiated on October 24, 2016, and ended on December 17, when it was presented and opened to the public. The park expands for 75.347 square feet, with 443 feet in front of the beach. Since its inauguration, 100 thousand persons have visited it, which means 2 thousand visitors per week.
