
Congress condemns attacks on journalists

Legislators urged the Chambers of Deputies and Senators to follow up on cases of murders, disappearances and attacks on reporters.

Photo: Lucía Godínez/EL UNIVERSAL
25/05/2017 |10:12
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico's Congress of the Union expressed its commitment to freedom of expression and the exercise of journalism, and convened the head of the Special Prosecutor's Office for Crimes Against Freedom of Expression (FEADLE), Ricardo Sánchez Pérez del Pozo, to a meeting in which the wave of attacks to information professionals will be reviewed.

The Plenum of the Permanent Committee issued a unanimously agreed point of agreement, which included a call to the federal and local authorities to strengthen the prevention and protection measures required by journalists for the exercise of their activities.

The legislators urged the Chambers of Deputies and Senators to follow up on cases of murders, disappearances, and attacks on reporters.

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They established in their resolution points that they "reject and condemn the exercise of violence against the physical and psychological integrity of journalism professionals".

At the Tribune, Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), National Action Party (PAN), Labour Party (PT) and Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) legislators expressed their support and solidarity with the manifesto "Basta ya", signed by 32 national and 14 foreign media outlets, in which they denounce the murderous offensive against journalists in Mexico, and described as courageous the collective decision of measures agreed to face threats and attacks.

The political forces registered 10 propositions with point of agreement, regarding the murders of reporters Miroslava Breach and Javier Valdez, as well as the disappearance of Salvador Adame and Sonia Córdova, who was injured, and his son, Jonathan Córdova, lost his life.
