
31.700 gallons of fuel secured in 3 states

Over the last week, the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) confiscated 12.318 gallons in Puebla, 8.057 gallons in Hidalgo, and 3.059 gallons in Sinaloa

Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
24/05/2017 |19:31Astrid Sánchez |
Redacción El Universal
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In the states of Hidalgo, Puebla, and Sinaloa, the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) secured 31.755 gallons of illegally siphoned fuel.

Last week, the PGR seized in Puebla 12.318 gallons of gasoline. It opened 67 investigations for the crime of fuel theft; of which 57 began without detained people and 10 with detainees.

11 persons were kept in custody and 68 clandestine pipeline taps were located, in addition to the confiscation of 47 vehicles.

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In this state, 2 guilty verdicts were reached for 3 accused persons.

The Office informed that in Hidalgo 13 search warrants were carried out in the municipalities of Tula, Ajacuba, Atitalaquia and Pachuca, where 8.057 gallons of fuel and 13 properties were secured.

More than 30 persons were prosecuted for the crimes of theft and illegal storage and possession of hydrocarbons. The PGR informed that a man was charged with 15 years in prison and a fine of MXN$1.095.600 pesos.

In Mazatlán, Sinaloa, 3.059 gallons were confiscated in a property, while in other premises 7.925 gallons of fuel and a motor pump were seized.

In Terrero de los Guerrero, a municipality of Salvador Alvarado, 2 vehicles and 2 containers with 396 gallons of gasoline were secured.
