The Delegation of the European Union to Mexico along with the embassy of Norway to Mexico condemned the abduction of Salvador Adame, journalist and TV director last Thursday in Michoacán as well as the slain of huichol activist, Miguel Vázquez Torres, last Saturday in neighboring state of Jalisco.

Both diplomatic entities issued a statement where they urged Mexican authorities to intensify their efforts to locate the abducted journalist, Salvador Adame, and to perform a prompt and open investigation into both crimes to bring those responsible to face justice.

The statement reads:

“-We deeply regret the murder of Miguel Vázquez, huichol leader and defender of human rights, which took place in the northern region of the state of Jalisco. […] Miguel Vázquez death and that of his brother Agustín adds to the slain of three more human rights defenders in so far this year and is a sign of the worrying degree of violence and intimidation that many human rights defenders face in Mexico.

-Similarly, we condemn the abduction of the journalist, Salvador Adame in the state of Michoacán, whose whereabouts remain unknown since Thursday last week.

-For both cases, we call upon the Mexican authorities to make use of all the necessary means available to them so as to perform a prompt and open investigation that leads to the location and judgment of those responsible for the crimes. In the case of Salvador Adame, we urge the competent Mexican authorities to intensify their efforts for the location of the journalist.

-As the Mexican president noted last week, attacks and crimes against journalists and human rights defenders cannot be left unpunished.

-In the face of the alarming surge of attacks against journalists and human rights defenders in the country, we call upon the competent Mexican authorities to make use of the means available to them to guarantee the protection of human right defenders as well as of those tasked with the exercise of journalism in Mexico.

-Finally, we reiterate our sound commitment with Human Rights and with the protection of those tasked with preserving them, as well as our full support to those who promote the right to free and open information. The presence of free, diverse and independent media is an essential condition for the protection and advancement of democracy."

Salvador Adame Pardo was abducted by a group of heavily armed assailants, while at work in a local water purification business in Michoacán last Thursday, while 40-year-old Miguel Vázquez Torres, and his brother, Agustín Vázquez Torres were shot dead last Saturday in the Kuruxi Manuwe community in the indigenous huichol municipality of Tuxpan de Bolaños in western state of Jalisco. 

Miguel Vázquez Torres was an active member for the defense of sacred places of the wixárika peoples, founder of the Regional Wixárika Council in 2010 and a primary school teacher in the Barranquillas community. He was responsible for the legal recovery of 184 hectares from stockbreeders of the Huajimic community in La Yesca municipality of neighboring state of Nayarit.


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