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This Thursday three officers of the Mexican Navy graduated from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy (USCGA), informed the Mexican Secretariat of the Navy.
Midshipman Ninive Sherline Pineda Carranza, Ruth Angélica Tress Salvatori and Luis Fernando Marban Terrazas, successfully finished their Major in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture. Moreover, Pineda and Tress graduated with high honors and honors, respectively.
It is expected that the three officers arrive in Mexico on May 20. Once in Mexico, they will carry out an upgrade on board of the Mexican Navy ships, in order to continue their career.
It is interesting to notice that an invitation from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy to the Mexican Navy University was sent to the cadets of said training academy. They applied for a scholarship as students of the Major in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture, being trainees since June 23, 2013, until the completion of their second year.
There are three more Mexican cadets currently studying the same Major in the USCGA.
President Donald Trump attended the graduation ceremony.