The protection of journalists should not exist in any country in the world. Their work should have to be done without being threatened. This is the case in most of the nations considered democratic, but not in Mexico.

For at least 20 years, the profession has become too dangerous, so much that it has cost the lives of hundreds of journalists in several regions of the country. At the beginning of 2017 there are already six journalists killed.

They have lost their lives because they had become "uncomfortable" for criminal groups or power groups (political or economic). Every timer this happens, society loses a voice that transmits the citizens' feeling, whether it is anger, complaint or praise.

Those who practice the profession in the states of the country are the ones who have taken the worst part. Unfortunately, the institutional weakness that characterizes the security structures in entities and municipalities is the main threat to a journalism that every day fights for its survival, where the coexistence with crime is closer than in big cities. The federal support is indispensable, although it does not guarantee the safety of these professionals, since the creation of prosecutors or special commissions has been useless. 99% of cases remain unresolved.

To the world, the image of Mexico is the aggravation of a situation that was already deteriorating. Reactions worldwide were of anger and disgust.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Inter-American Press Association outlined yesterday what could be the beginning of the solution: investigating, prosecuting and condemning those responsible would be the best prevention.

The call to the authorities is clear: take responsibility. Is it impossible to comply with the task they are entrusted with?

The demands of justice from the journalistic guild should not be considered as coming from a privileged group. All deaths occurring in the violence environment that some regions of the country live in are important and must be clarified by the authorities. However, silencing a journalist, without detaining those responsible, only favors those who have made crime and corruption their way of life, passing over the welfare of the community.


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